Earth Wind and Fire Cant Let Go ( Live 1980 Brazil)
Most hardcore EWF purist consider the album All N All as their cutoff point, why, because they are stupid. They could not grow with the changes times, no sound stays the same. In their snobbish complaints, they missed out on the fantastic albums of I AM, FACES, RAISE, and POWERLIGHT. Here is EWF doing one of their most powerful love songs ever, some take this song as lightweight but it is far from lightweight, the lyrics harken to what a real relationship is all about and true love born in think of another song where they directly speak of love being born or developed in truth and how through that the lovers are goodness right there This and In the Stone are my favorite EWF tunes. So for everyone stuck on Head to the Sky or it go, and experience the pinnacle of EWF and btw Boogie Wonderland is fantastic