Lunar New Year: Cities worldwide welcome the Year of the Dragon
People around the world celebrated the Lunar New Year on Friday and Saturday, ushering in the Year of the Dragon from New York to Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, the city celebrated its first Lunar New Year since pandemic restrictions were lifted with a parade and performers from across the globe, including Japan, Korea, Germany and the U. S. I wish everyone good health and good luck in the Year of the Dragon. Good things come in double and everything goes smoothly, said 10yearold ChengHai Gan. Chinese communities in Lima, Peru, marked the occasion with a colourful lion and dragon dance, while groups in Havana, Cuba, put on a martial arts showcase. For more info, please go to Subscribe to Global News Channel HERE: Like Global News on Facebook HERE: Follow Global News on Twitter HERE: Follow Global News on Instagram HERE: , GlobalNews, lunarnewyear, yearofthedrag