ABULAFIA KABBALAH Abraham Abulafia Kabbalah by Frank Ra
ABRAHAM ABULAFIA KABBALAH ). ABULAFIA KABBALAH: guide for the perplexed to Abraham Abulafia Kabbalah. Frank Ra explains how the Ecstatic Kabbalah of Abraham Abulafia inspired Pico Della Mirandola and Kabbalists, philosopers, writers, etc. Abraham Abulafia Kabbalah and Abulafia meditation techniques, are practical and direct. Abulafia s manuscripts include: Sefer haGeulah: commentary on The Guide for the Perplexed Sefer Chayei haNefesh and Sefer Sitrei Torah: commentary on The Guide for the Perplexed Sefer haYashar Chayei haOlam haBa Or haSekhel Get haShemot Mafteiach haRe ayon Gan Na ul Otzar Eden Ganuz: commentary on Sefer Yetzirah Sefer haCheshek Sefer haOt Imrei Shefer