YOU WONT BELIEVE What This Next Smartphone Will Do To Your BRAIN (2019)
A Dream of Seeing People Dumping their Cell Phones like Flies Messenger Gwendolen Song August 1, 2019 This is Gwendolen Song, Im an end time messenger for the LORD JESUS CHRIST and Im on here today to share another supernatural dream from the LORD JESUS concerning the mark of the beast. In this dream I was allowed to see into the future to a time where there will be a swift transition, a rapid graduation, of the technology of the fallen ones. It will be a time where phone technology will no longer be needed because the fallen ones had deceived a large portion of the population to receive their markthe mark of the beast. No longer will people have to hold a cell phone up to their ears. They will no longer need wireless ear buds. There will be a whole new experience available to mankind which was planned since the time of satans fallthe day the enemy and his army of darkness planned to overtake the children of God. Full Transcript: , ESP, mindr