The Sci Guys: Science at Home SE2 EP15: Extracting Strawberry DNA
Welcome to the fifteenth episode of season 2 of The Sci Guys. In this episode we are extracting the DNA from a strawberry. We will show you how to mix a solution that will take apart the strawberry cells and release the DNA from inside them. Strawberries have a large amount of DNA compared to humans and we can easily extract it and pull it out of our solution with tweezers. Strawberry DNA looks like a cloudy ooze. Help support us to do more experiments by becoming a patron on patreon: Equipment and Ingredients: Fresh Strawberries Liquid Dish Soap Salt 70 Rubbing Alcohol Ziplock Bags Mixing Bowl Measuring Cups and Spoons Large Glass or Beaker Tweezers Funnel Strainer Goggles Gloves Apron or Lab Coat