Personality Meet (1946)
Titles read: Personality Meet . Location of events unknown. In a living room we see a man wearing a belted jacket pacing about and dictating to a woman taking shorthand. The man wears a monocle and has a cigarette holder. Commentator asks us to guess the man s identity, then reveals it is Britain s bestselling author Peter Cheyney. Natural sound as we hear Peter dictating part of his 28th novel. Sounds like a war thriller. Peter stops to ask his secretary How did we kill that fellow in the last book . She replies He was stabbed by a woman in a taxi cab, Mr Cheyney. He carries on, then we dissolve into live footage of the action. Two men meet in a dark alleyway. One asks the other for a light then takes out a knife and stabs him dead (dramatic music on the lead up ). The killer says Thank you in a plummy voice then walks off. Dissolve back to Cheyney s living room as he calls out, That ll do for the I ve had it . He lies down on a sofa and puts his feet up. FILM