12 Marceline Solo Songs Adventure Time (no dialogue, interruptions)
Here s a more comprehensive solo Marcy compilation video compared to the 3song Lyric Video. Just Your Problem + Slow Dance + Happy Ending Lyric Video: (Why do I want to Slow Dance with you) I included only the prominent, meaningful songs (so no fisherman song and the like) and cut out some parts here and there to limit the dialogue and have the songs continuously flow from one to the next. Example would be Ice King s verse being completely removed in Remember You. Also the start and end have been edited in a way so that the whole track can be played in a continuous loop if desired (if YT allowed that, at least). SONG LIST: 0:00 Stakes Opening 0:14 Everything Stays 0:57 Remember You 1:52 The Fry Song 2:32 According to Our New Arrival 3:00 I m Just Your Problem 4:13 Yeah, Girl, It Stinks 4:48 Maybe I m the One Who s Nuts 5:34 Not Just Your Little Girl 5:54 Slow Danc