PAPAJI No Teaching No Teacher No Student Interview by Rama Crowell
This all time favourite interview from March 1993 by Rama Crowell, was done for the documentary Call off the Search and includes the following questions: If you had to sum up your teaching in one or two sentences, what would they be Can we not learn from the past Is there something you can say to people to decondition from the past For what reason do the scriptures exist Does the yearning for freedom arise spontaneously Can only knowledge counter ignorance What is the origin of ignorance and where does it inhere in the individual self How does the atman become clouded with ignorance Is there anything lacking in consciousness Is separation real or not Where does the I arise from What is the dream state and where does the light in ones dreams come from What makes knowing being To whom does knowledge occur If you have eliminated mind, how can you know anything Who is the witness in sleep How do we remove the Iness that conceals