Stop Pronouncing These Chinese Sounds WRONG, zh ch sh, z c s, j q x, Improve in 10 Mins
Sup yall Rita aka Fàn lǎoshī here This video is the second one of my How To Sound Chinese series: How To Pronounce Chinese Initial Consonants 声母 Better. Chinese pronunciation is not only about tones, but also the muscle movement like any other languages. So make sure you are spending your time on working out your muscles in the right way In this video, I talked about three aspects that you definitely wanna pay attention to when practicing Chinese pronunciation: 01:24 Vocal Placement How your voice change when speaking different languages, even dialects. 02:56 Vocal Cords The essential difference between Chinese consonants and English. 05:28 The Shape of your Lips and the Position of Your Tongue the alltime confusing zh, ch, sh vs. z, c, s vs. j, q, x (And bonus Chinese tongue Remember, Chinese makes perfect sense Chinese IG: Personal I br, br,