Let our stupidity be blessed in disguised, ameen. An Agent ( PROVOCATEUR) Planned Aazan In The Entire SWITZERLAND
An Agent (PROVOCATEUR) Planned Aaz an In The Entire SWITZERLAND. People of Makkah were prevented from listening to such sounds, because it has an inbuilt effects, thus we say SubhanAllah, just because they plan and Allah also plan. And Allah remains the best. And our goal is not to make someone Muslim, that is Allah s domain to guide them however, to make that sound reach by hook or crook should be the aim of a good Muslim. read this also Prophet saaw after being tortured from Taif, while way back to Makkah before entering into it asked for ASYLUM from many people like Akhnas bin Shareeq, Sohail bin Umro, and Muatum bin Uddi, so He pbuh could enter Makkah safely but all refused less the last one. This man reminds me of Muatum, and my Prophet saaw always respected Uddi and his tribe for provision of Protection on same day. He pbuh never forgot it till his death. I will also never forget him till death.