12 Months Make a Year Calendar Song for Kids , Netflix Jr Jams
Get ready to sing and dance while you learn the twelve months of the year with Chip and Potato, Gabby, Big Tree City, and more All these shows are available on Netflix now. LYRICS 12 months are in 1 year Thats how you know when your birthdays here 12 months are always the same Can you remember all their names January February March at the start April May June is the second part July August September remember October November and ends with December The first month is January When it snows Dress in warm clothes til February Valentine s cards and Chocolate hearts You eat til March The third month Another name for walking With your knees real high It ll march right by April showers make Plants grow from the ground Thats why they call it springtime Flowers spring up all around 12 months are in one year Thats how you know when your birthdays here 12 months are always go the same Can you remember all their name