Using Raspberry PI to control Brushless Motors ( PMSM, BLDC)
In this video, we will control a pair of brushless motors from a Raspberry PI computer. The entire set up is going to be powered by a single battery. We will use one of the computer s USB ports to connect a network of brushless motor controllers. The brushless motor controllers come in rectangular or circular form factors. The controllers have USB and CANbus ports for connecting to control computers such as Raspberry PI. We will power the computer, the controllers, and the brushless motors using a single battery, similar to a autonomous vehicle design. The first motor is an outrunner type, a kind of what you would use for a vehicle propulsion. The bigger motor comes with a quadrature encoder which means it can be used as a powerful servo. By the way, the controllers need 7 to 60 Volts DC. I put proper connectors at the ends of the cable, so that I could just plug it into the controllers. I am using an 11. 1 Volts RC battery that I got in a local h