ETHIOPIA: Air raid on palace of Emperor Haile Selassie (1935)
BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Fiftythree killed, two hundred wounded in Dessye air raid. Haile Selassie reaches GHQ just before Full Description: ETHIOPIA: EXT Semi view pan. from plane to another plane and Abyssinians. Semi view of Emperor. Semi view of Emperor walking to plane, cu. of Emperor past camera and into plane. Shot of plane leaving, Abyssinian s in forged. Long view jpan. of plane taking off. Gen. air view of Addis Ababa. Gen. Air view of Mt. Barrier near Addis. Gen. air view of water logged creators of extinct Volcanoes. Gen. air view of Mts. and big gen. air view of Mts. High air view of the small town of Dessye. Semi view of army tent and guard, Semi view of pressmen journalists seated outside tent eating. Cu. of pressmen eating food. Semi views of Paramount News lorry 7 camera man talking to man. Semi view of Paramount lorry and came