SWTOR 7. 0 Combat Styles Dark, Light Alignment
There has been some interesting news when it comes to Combat Styles for 7. 0, and we finally have some answers to some important questions about our characters. Written guide: Developer Posts Creating a Character Example, 1 Existing Character, Sith Warrior Juggernaut Example, 2 Existing Character, Jedi Consular Shadow Example, 3 Existing Character, Trooper vanguard Example, 4 New Character, New Player, DarkSide Jedi Knight Example, 5 New Character, Experienced Player Prepare Support the Swtorista Project through YouTube Memberships SWTOR TIPS AND TRICKS PLAYLIST: MY MOST POPULAR VIDEOS: TWITTER: Want to help support this channel by pledging on Patreon Feel free to ask any type of SWTOR question in the comments below I m happy to help you out on almost any topic