Liv and Maddie, True Love , Disney Channel UK
Awww Check out this, LivandMaddie song where Liv and Holden sing a duet of Liv s song True Love ,DisneyChannelUK Watch Liv And Maddie weekends 4pm on Disney Channel UK Available on Disney+ LIV AND MADDIE Liv and Maddie are back Watch as the twins continue to navigate high school together, following Livs return home from the bright lights of Hollywood. Its not always easy getting used to normal life after starring in the television show Sing It Loud but Liv is quickly making new friends at school and finding her way in life. She may no longer be performing every day, but shell still find a way to be the centre of attention when she can. Meanwhile Maddie continues to dominate the basketball court, with her catchphrase Bam What . Although its not always easy having to share the spotlight with her twin, shes glad to have Liv back in her life. Join the R