73 A Rainy Summer Day at Home, My Rose Garden, Baking and Cooking, Countryside Life
How would you like to spend your day when it s raining For me rainy days are truly best to be spent at home :) BLOGPOST: Sign up for my membership club to access to exclusive content perks :) I license my music on Artlist Epidemic Sound Click the link below to get 2 extra months free :) SUPPORT ME SO I CAN CREATE MORE QUALITY CONTENT, ỦNG HỘ MÌNH LÀM TIẾP NHỮNG NỘI DUNG NHƯ NÀY: PHOTO EDITING PRESETS FOR LIGHTROOM, PRESETS CHỈNH ẢNH: BUYING PRINTS, MUA ẢNH IN MÌNH CHỤP: STAY CONNECTED, KẾT NỐI VỚI MÌNH: Website: Facebook: Instagram: GEARS STUFF THAT I USE, ĐỒ MÌNH DÙNG: TIMESTAMP: 0:00 Intro, Cutting Garden Roses 0:54 Walking in the Rain 1:47 Rose Jam 3:32 Baking Crusty Bread 5:27 Rain in the Garden 7:11 Rose bath 8:22 Hot coffee