Elizabeth And Philip In Edinburgh (1949)
Unused, unissued material dates and locations unclear or unknown. Elizabeth and Philip in Edinburgh. Scotland. M, S Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) chatting with Girl Guides, moving along the line and talking to boys from the Edinburgh School. CU Youth having refreshments. MS Youth eating buns. MS Philip inspecting Boys Brigade and chatting with various members. CU Girls drinking refreshments. LS Philip talking to boys from Local School. LS Lord Provost and Princess Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth II) inspecting youth organisation. CU Elizabeth. CU Elizabeth talking to members of life Brigade. MS Youth having refreshments. LS Lord Provost, Elizabeth, and Philip entering Waverley market. MS Same as above. LS Youth Organisation. CU Princess Elizabeth. CU Philip. CU Elizabeth talking with youth. CU Philip chatting to school girls. MS Elizabeth talking to members of Boy Scouts. LS Royal Party arriving at market. CU Prince Philip talking to schoolboys. LS Youths having refreshments. CU Prince Philip