Woah Dude
Heard of John Titor An internet legend in early internet days who purported to have been from a dystopian future. This video is a little bit o history of the traveler, but what I found more interesting, was his description of how time travel really worked and how to do it safely. THE INDEX PROJECT The Index project is an experiment in entertainment by cocreating a scifi, mindbending storyworld with it s fans across ARGs, comic books, films, books, and more. You can be involved now. Like, subscribe and follow our social media so you can stay involved. BTW, this video was meant to be an experiment on doing quick, off the cuff short videos and I couldn t help myself and ended up overproducing it again. Oh well. I ll try next time to shake things up. THEORYINK TheoryInk is a channel dedicated to awakening the pondering mind with truthseeki