Dance Compilation (1940 1959)
Unedited compilation of various clips of dance footage. Mostly very short shots, mostly 1940s and 50s I would think. Some intermittent sound. C, U of man various musicians playing instruments: drums, trumpets, saxophones, etc. A German oompa band walks through a crowd lined street playing their instruments. African man performing a traditional dance. Clarinet players. Morris dancers performing in front of a church. Hawaiian dancing. Tribal dance C, U of mens feet, they wear furry ankle garments. Two couples jiving. A man in a suit dances in front of a car as it moves along. A majorette does cartwheels in the road in front of a car. Two girls dance together. Group of African men play primitive glockenspiels. Tribes people dance. Traditional Thai or Indonesian ( ) dancing. Four young girls in white with flowers in their hair dance together Scottish reels or country dancing. Men in very large ornate headdresses dance Belgian Flemish African man in a large headdress which lo