Making The Wolverine Cowl My Fastest Way To Smooth Out A PLA Print N stuff
, tutorial, 3dprinting, propmaking Im just a passionate hobbyist, that loves to make Props and other Stuff. And so I am sharing this build just for the love of all things creative and hope to inspire others into the wonderful world of prop making. This is my full video build of making the Wolverine Cowel. And since a lot of you ask repeatedly how I clean up my 3D prints and especially the print lines on PLA youll be glad to know that this video really focuses on that. How to smooth out a 3D PLA print with minimal effort. And since I love sharing my prop making passion so much with you guys, Ive of course included everything, all the way to the finished display prop. Ive actually used talcum powder for mixing my paints, as far back as some 30ish years ago, when I attended art school. So its safe to say the trick has been around a while. And its always fun to look at new ways of using old teqniques with the ever evolving craft of prop making. Especially when it comes to peoples fast growing interest