( Go T) Daenerys Targaryen, My Reign is Over
WARNING SPOILERS 8x06, 1080pHEADPHONES I m here to free the world from tyrants, that is my destiny, and I will serve it no matter the Thank you Emilia Clarke to bring life to my favourite character in this show, this is one of the most important videos in my channel, almost 9 minutes of editing, enjoy them. I love you Daenerys Ask me anything: Fandom: Game of Thrones Coloring: Mine Twitter: Software: Sony Vegas Pro 13 Music 1: Atom Music Audio Stellarium Music 2: Atom Music Audio Still Alive Music 3, 4: Heliotrope Music Totality, Fesliyan Studios They Said I Can t Thanks again to my friend Domz for helping me with the thumbnail: