Miracles Do Happen Part Two, Magnificent Life Daily Devotion
Miracles Do Happen Part Two. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do John 14:14 When we doubt that God can work miracles, we are limiting His power. But when we have faith that He can do anything, we open ourselves up to possibilities we could never have imagined. So believe in miracles They happen every day. When we pray, we make our requests known to God. We open our hearts and seek Him. We trust that He hears us and will answer in His own time and in His way. Prayer is the master key that unlocks the door to heaven. When we pray, miracles happen. A young lady told me that she was recently reminded of the power of prayer. A friend of mine was in a difficult situation, and I reached out to God on her behalf. The next day, she texted me and told me that things had taken a turn for the better. Prayer is the master key. It is easy to doubt and lose faith when things are tough. But don t forget, miracles do happen. Sometimes all it takes is someone to reac