Melodic Death Metal Compilation 3 Hours, Melo Death
A wideish selection of 34, MelodicDeathMetal tracks. Enjoy 00:00 Solar Dawn Punished by Silence 04:48 Amon Amarth Across the Rainbow Bridge 09:39 Gardenian Sonic Death Monkey 15:33 In Flames Only for the Weak 20:28 Mors Principium Est Reclaim the Sun 25:08 December Flower Aeon 29:34 Chastisement Tsavo The Land of Slaughter 33:53 Soilwork The Bringer 38:37 Wintersun Darkness and Frost, Time 52:42 Eternal Tears of Sorrow Baptized by the Blood of Angels 57:03 Descending Descending 1:02:33 Obscurity Dominium 1:06:21 Eternal Lies Consecrate Life 1:10:29 Burden of Life Praise the Loss 1:17:34 Dimension Zero Through the Virgin Sky 1:22:06 Construcdead I ve Come to Rule 1:25:21 Obtenebris The Night Stalker 1:32:59 Vale of Tears WiredUp Minds 1:37:42 Laments of Silence Doomed 1:42:00 Eluveitie Slania s Song 1:47:42 Darkane Chaos vs Order 1:52:29 Cry