No dig with Charles Dowding, showing his fourth summer at Homeacres
The result in summer 2016, of using mulches to transform 3, 4 acre from weeds and grass to intensively cropped vegetables for market on 1, 4 acre, using organic methods, no synthetic chemicals. Plus I show you the fruit trees, flowers, compost heaps, undercover spaces and dig, no dig trials. In South West England, 51N temperate oceanic climate, zone 8 but summers are 5 or 6. . Camera and editing by Edward Dowding For a concise written summary of this approach, see my Diary with strategies for no dig success, timings of associated sowings, hoeing and mulching, and beautiful photos of this garden. My online course about no dig explains the process in depth. It includes 20 videos you will not find elsewhere In 2020 I have published a manual of No Dig Gardening, from Weeds to Vegetables Easily and Quickly