Clip on singl Seller of dolls Russian musical group Вельвеt
Clip on singl Seller of dolls Russian musical group Вельвеt, Velvet, Starring Ekaterina Borzunova instagram ekaterinaborzunova katrinfitnessland produced by SERGEY NIKISHIN club35563752, nikishinpro Вельвеt, Velvet, is a. The Вельвеt, Velvet, project has existed since 2005. To date, the Velvet group plays in the style of soft rock or pop rock with elements of art rock. The protagonist of the musical group is Ekaterina Belokon, the author of music and lyrics of all songs. Catherine was born on August 12, 1979 in Moscow. She is a professional musician (she graduated from the IppolitovIvanov School in the theory of music). He is fond of painting, writes paintings.