Learn How to Paint DRAGON DREAM with Acrylic Paint Sip at Home Step by Step Painting Lesson
VIDEO DESCRIPTION This painting tutorial will take you through easy to follow, stepbystep instructions on how to draw and paint this exciting surreal image of DRAGON DREAM with acrylic paint. You ll learn simple drawing and painting techniques that will help you to create this detailed magical beast emerging from the smoky fog into a young boy s dream. As the large mystical creature wraps its expansive wings around the small child to protect him, the boy reaches up to touch the nose, as if to say, Thank You. This thoughtprovoking image filled with emotion and fantasy dreams will come alive as the fog drifts through the atmosphere and adds a sense of magical movement to the ambiance. This exciting image is full of motion and an inspirational narrative that is spawn from a young child s imagination. The dragon symbolizes supernatural power, wisdom, strength, and hidden knowledge, perhaps these are the qualities that the boy searches for in his dreams. You ll le