Tommy Robinson on Free Speech Part 9
, TommyRobinson When you Stifle, FreeSpeech, when you stop giving people platforms to talk you drive it Underground, and right now Id say the people of, Britain are Furious, and theyre Angry, and theyre Scared. Mr Robinson goes on to say, Im against Foreign Invasion, I think what happened in, Iraq was completely Illegal, I think what happened in, Afghanistan was Illegal, we shouldnt have been in neither of they countries, and plenty of Innocent, Muslims will have Died. How people in this Land will use that, for were seeing, Christians Massacred, Raped, Pillaged, Murdered, weekly; every single week Noone here has been, Radicalized through that. Allegedly Extreme Tommy Robinson aint, he sometimes says it in an extreme way, but he has Experienced it, so Understandable. Whatever way you cut it, the man is Right.