Military vocabulary
This is a rough guide, as these terms change in meaning depending on the country. I have based this list on the British Army, unless stated otherwise. Rank звание Soldiers (in the navy Ratings) рядовые Private рядовой Seaman матрос Rifleman стрелок NCOs (Noncommissioned officers) унтерофицеры Corporal капрал Sergeant сержант Staff Sergeant штабсержант Sargent Major сержантмайор Officers офицеры (Second) Lieutenant (младший) лейтенант Captain капитан Major майор (Lieutenant) Colonel (под)полковник Brigadier бригадир General генерал Conscription воинская повинность Conscript призывник Draft призыв, призвать Draft dodger уклонист Recruitment office военкомат Go AWOL (absent without leave) идти в самоволку Section (a unit of around 8 men) отделение Platoon (3 sections) взвод Company (3 platoons) рота Battalion (3 companies) батальон Brigade (3 battalions) бригада Division (2 or more brigades) дивизия