4. Esau And Jacob The Shepherd s Rod, Volume 1, Section III
Inspiration says that Rebekah had no children and Isaac entreated the Lord and the Lord was entreated of him and the Lord gave her twins. If this be the case certainly it was not an accident. The Lord was in it. But if she only asked for a child, why did He give her twins We do not suppose the Lord gave her twins to cause a lot of trouble in the family as it did. Why did they struggle within the mother Why one red and hairy, and the other white and smooth And why one take hold of the heel of the other All these questions come to our minds. Whatever the reason, it was divinely designed, for He gave her the children. Certainly no one would think God did this without a purpose in view. God Himself told the mother it is an object lesson, for He said to her Two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels and the one people shall be stronger than the other It is true that the result was two nations on the stage of action; Edom and Israel, but where is the lesson