Judas Priest Live at Reading Festival 1975 FULL
Reading, UK Setlist: 1. Victim of Changes 2. Dreamer Deceiver 3. Deciever 4. The Ripper 5. Mother Sun 6. Island of Domination 7. Rocka Rolla This is the very first known recording of Judas Priest playing their own songs. (The first recording of Priest playing was an other band s song called Budgie the song is Running from my Soul, and the date is Unusual impovisations, never heard sounds in classic songs. A must for every Priest maniac Before their set, John Hinch remembers how the band were very nervous to leave their dressing room and go on stage. No, it wasn t a case of stagefright, but actually fear for their own safety for you see, a band called Stella opened the threeday event, with Judas Priest following next, and the audience responded to Stella by throwing so many cans, bottles and other things at them that they had to quickly exit the stage Fortunately the members of Judas Priest overcame their apprehe