I Won The Game Whilst Only Having One Pop
There have been many challenges over the years; The One Planet Challenge, The One System Challenge, but now, there s the One Pop Challenge Sounds complicated, but it really isn t as due to the release of Overlord some very nifty things can be done using Death Cults. A BIG thanks to the Chinese community for figuring this one out. ASpec s videos are based around the popular Grand Strategy Game; Stellaris as well as other fun science fiction properties. Delve into a galaxy that is both dark and full of secrets. This channel has tons of guide, overviews, musing and other content for you to enjoy in the semiclassic game review format. So stick around, grab a drink. Some of this content was heavily inspired by the likes of TheSpiffingBrit, RimmyDownUnder and GrayPlays. Other content is similar to that what you would find on let s play channels like The Yogscast.