Alexandra Daddario Discovers What Her Birth Chart Says About Her, In Style
We have some big news to share: Alexandra Daddario was BORN when Mercury was in retrograde. While its notoriously bad news for most, she discovers that its actually a time where shes more understood and creative. What. Stay tuned to see her reaction to this earthshattering revelation and more as she reads her birth chart with InStyle, as prepared by an astrologer. She learns the meaning behind her sun, moon, and Venus signs and even finds out about untapped psychic abilities I have to explore that further. Plus, she finds out that her career as an actress may have been written in the stars literally. Check out Alexandra Daddarios InStyle Cover Story: , AlexandraDaddario, Astrology, BirthChart, Celebrity, Interview, InStyle 0:00 Introduction 0:48 Note From the Astrologer 1:13 Sun Sign: Pisces 2:01 Mercury in Retrograde 3:11 Moon Sign: Gemini 4:11 Venus Sign: Aries 5:38 Conclusion