Selected Originals The Queen At B. I. Fair (1952)
Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, outtakes, rushes) for story Queen Elizabeth at B. I. Fair 52, 38. Some extra material beyond that used in the Newsreel Story. Olympia, London. SV. Queen looking at large watch. SV. Queen talking to Sir Miles Thomas, pan to model of (BOAC British Overseas Airways Corporation) Comet jet aeroplane. SCU. Queen, Duke and Sir Miles Thomas. CU. Queen. SV. Queen looking at Comet model. SV. Queen with Thomas looking at model. SV. Queen with Thomas, pan to Comet. SV. Queen being greeted by Sir Miles Thomas. MV. GV. Queen walking through exhibition. SCU. Queen talking to official. SV. Queen and Duke talking to Sir Miles. LV. GV. Queen walking through exhibition. SV Queen talking to officials. CU. Comet model. CU. (British European Airways), sign (BOAC British Overseas Airways Corporation). SV. Queen talking to officials. SV. Duchess of Gloucester with two children examining paper. SV. Duchess of Gloucester with her two children. SV.