Jo Lang Reaction to Bad weather from the Russian project Music together
Hello, JoLang is here again, and today I want to introduce you to the Song Bad weather from the Russian project Music together. It is so unique, animated with a lot of love and care, full of devotion and great commitment, lived with body and soul, imbued with the historical significance for the people of this time with the passing on of the feeling of not being alone. I really enjoy their music because it s not like anyone else s They takes you to a higher level and makes you feel like everything s going to be ok again. When you go through tough times and are hurting or feeling alone then you hear that song and you can at least feel less alone. Isn t that the greatest thing about music Let s hug and love each other and listen to this lovely song. You could hear it in their voices, this idyllic mood, and there is something so endearing about it because everyone, like each of us, deep down wants to be as happy as we were when we were young.