Pussy: Love Story from Titanic 128k (2000) Walkthrough, ZX Spectrum
Very ambitious production from 2000 inspired by Tengen s Magical Puzzle Popils. The game has 50 onescreen levels + 3 horizontal scrolling levels, Titanic storyline, digitized pictures, movie sequences, level passwords, intro, outro, between levels story sequences. Pussy is a platform game with puzzle and action elements. You play as Leonardo and the objective is to get in touch with Kate. Leonardo can not jump in the onescreen levels, but his fists are capable of smashing bricks, he can smash bricks in all four directions, and he can climb ladders. If Leo is smashing a brick, all bricks over this one will fall down by one field. There are also teleport doors and a lot of enemies. Made by: Freeman (Belarus) Mast (Belarus) Ars (Belarus) Razzlers (Russia) Fun Forge (Austria) Beta Disk (Bug fixed ) version can be downloaded here: