How to Oxidize ( Age) New Wood Get A Vintage Look
UPDATE (8, 2, 19): I made a new video about this technique over here: When it comes to home decor, vintage is definitely in. But if you have ever done some DIY woodworking projects, you ll know it can be hard to obtain that aged wood look. You can either buy pricey barn wood from a boutique lumber supplier or let your new lumber from Home Depot sit in the backyard, exposed to the elements for a couple of midwest winters. OR you could use this easy, inexpensive method for aging your wood in just under a week. What You ll Need For this product you ll need a few household items from your pantry and garage: unfinished, untreated, and sanded wood white vinegar , 0000 grade steel wool large (24 oz) glass jar black tea (10 bags) disposable paint brushes 400 grit sandpaper Creating your oxidation solution is straightforward. Take a roll of steel wool and tear off bits into your glass jar. Pour in the vinegar until your jar is full and cap the jar with the