Walking On The Water (1930)
Walking on the Water How it s done without getting wet We are shown a shady brook which is the skating rink of the water C, U of insects with long legs perched on the surface of some water water boatmen How do they do it The principle can be shown by stretching a rubber sheet over a frame C, U of a man stretching a piece of rubber. He then presents to the camera a small frame which has a piece of rubber stretched across it and secured by Six pegs in a wooden block will serve as the feet of the A little wooden block is moved around on top of the rubber. From the under side the feet of the water strider are exactly similar to the impress of the pegs they dent the surface but do not penetrate Shot from underneath the rubber with the pegs making an impression in the rubber. The pegs don t pierce the sheet because they are supported by surface tension. So long as a drop of water is not pierced, it will support its own weight and a