Set 9 Little Legends, Poro, Raptors, Khat Sai More
Purchase RP here (Amazon Affiliate NA): All the new Little Legends coming with Patch 13. 4 From Left to Right, Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3. 00:00 Poro 00:58 RedNosed Poro 01:52 Po Ro 02:46 Forgefire Poro 03:40 Valiant Poro 04:34 Sugarcone Poro 05:28 Raptors 06:26 Toucan Raptors 07:24 Extra Spicy Raptors 08:22 Koi Raptors 09:20 Shuriman Raptors 10:18 Murder of Raptors 11:16 Khat Sai 12:06 Kraken Khat Sai 12:57 Petricite Khat Sai 13:47 Sugarcone Khat Sai 14:37 Cosmic Khat Sai 15:28 Khaat Sai 16:18 Tower Defense Runespirit 17:28 Triumphant Victorious Flutterbug 18:49 Potion Sprite 19:14 Traveler Sprite 19:44 Birthday Surprise Fuwa , TeamFightTactics, LeagueOfLegends, LittleLegends