Japanese Voice Acting Senpai Love
Support my coffee addiction on KoFi Discord Server: Hi guys it s KOZU MY EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVERRRRRRRR now i can record to my little heart s content SORRY FOR THE WACK UPLOADING LATELY cuz of my stupid exams BUT I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS Some have been like make another boy VA to which i m like why they re so I HOPE YOU LIKED THIS also can we just talk about how i m obsessed with the OST from Koe no Katachi so many feeeels ALSOOOO I GOT INSPIRED BY YURI VOICE TO DO A SENPAI VIDEO Urgh Yuri s one is so gooooood check it out Yuri s video OHOH i made a twitter account follow me to see my weird ass tweets about the most random things in the world TWITTER : vKOZUv ALSO MY FB : hehehee I own the voice and