Nurse Forced To Resign Despite Religious Exemption, Told Her Faith Not Sincerely Held Belief
Joining me today is Melanie Kangus, a registered nurse who up until recently worked for Catholic Charities New Hampshire. Melanie is here to discuss the forceful vaccine mandate put forth by her former employer, and how the process lacked the necessary safeguards regarding the disclosure of personal medical information, and instead, became a public admonishing of those going against the grain. We discuss how she filed a religious exemption, and how this Catholic facility not only chose, subjectively, not to honor this exemption, but instead took the stance that Melanie s religious convictions were not sincerely held beliefs. In effect they called her a liar, while undermining the very religious foundation of her life that lead her to work for Catholic Charities to begin with. Source Links Can Be Found Here: Want to send a check