Building an Ultra Modern Realistic International Airport ( Airport DLC), No Mods, Cities: Skylines
Today I m building a huge vanilla international airport with the NEW Airports DLC in Cities: Skylines Tutorial Speedbuild I m using no mods for that. The airport will have a big passenger terminal and a cargo terminal. Check out Ricky King one of the best vanilla builder on yt (console) Vanilla City Design Series Map: Walt Disney World Map Theme: Springwood Map Theme LUT: Relight Cool Graphical Mods: Clouds Fog Toggler Can disable clouds, distance fog, industrial smog Sharp Textures make textures sharper Ultimate Eyecandy 1. 5. 1 A wealth of visual settings at your fingertips Relight Rebalanced and customizable lighting and tone mapping Post Process FX Enable additional postprocessing effects Dynamic Resolution Better Graphics (only used for cinematics) Daylight Classic Brings back classic white daylight color Music you can find it here: