15 First Date Red Flags
First dates can be stressful, they can also be fun and exciting however often we don t see, we may overlook, or we are unaware of the red flags that signify that this person is not a keeper and we should immediatly move on. When we have little time invested in a relationship, it s much easier to move on with our own life. Why waste time with someone that s not ready for a relationship Why waste your time with someone who is already devaluing you Also, don t forget, many of us fall into a type of codependent persona like the victim or the savior. Don t fall into this trap in the very beginning instead watch this video and be aware of what to look for and if you see some of these red flags, move on quickly so you have the opportunity to find a relationship that works for all concerned. For more info on Ashley go to Check out the latest book, The 10 Day Challenge: