4 K UHD Lima Perú Sunday Walk through Miraflores February 2020
Miraflores es uno de los distritos mas turísticos de lima, y uno de los que todos puedes acceder. Una gran cantidad de restaurantes, parques, centros comerciales y otras actividades se pueden son la mayor atracción. En esta caminata, empezaremos por Larcomar, pasaremos por el malecón de la costa verde y continuaremos por la Avenida Larco hasta llegar al parque Kennedy. Relajemonos juntos en esta caminata Miraflores is one of the most touristic disctricts in Lima and one of the most accessible to tourists and locals alike, offering easy access to popular restaurants, parks, malls, among other activities. In this walk, we will start in Larcomar, the boardwalk mall, and continue our way through Larco Avenue to Parque Kennedy also known as the locals as the cat park. The cat park, at the center of the neighborhood is the best place to take a break and relax. Join me in this relaxing walk If you re living in Perú, let me know any suggestions of where my next walk should be I would love to hear about