THIS Will Push Your Miniature Painting To Another Level
Painting volumes on your miniatures is a game changer. Many warhammer miniatures look flat until you paint on them proper values that represent light reflections. That is what this video is about painting volumes easily If you got into this hobby via warhammer (like many of us, let s face it), you probably get a lot of inspiration from Eavy Metal team that paints their miniatures mostly by edge highlighting them to fantastic level. Eavy Metal team does amazing job and I love their style for space marines and warhammer in general, but what is more universal is painting actual volume on your miniatures. Not all miniatures have that many edges, and there is no way around it but to actually sit down, think about how the light is reflected on the miniature, and paint the values accordingly. There is truly nothing as game changing as thinking about how light interacts on your miniatures and paint it like that. These hobby tools are a MUST if you wanna improve: