Dn B Oos Wa W Clips
Song is Spor Halogen. Used with permission. I wasn t really going to ever do anything with these clips. I barely played this game when I had my capture card so don t expect this to be up to the standard of my CoD4 clips, AND these clips have been rotting on my HD for 6 months thus the amazing Dazzle quality. I made this because a few people keep pestering me for some WaW footage, so I threw this together in 20 mins I couldn t be bothered to edit so I used some NoobBlueFX transisions. I only like 3 clips; the two unscoped triples, and the 54 kill streak. The other clips I threw in there to make this video less pointless, I have like 8 mins of left over clips but they re bad. The first and last two clips are in sniper lobbies, get over it. I m going to try and stay away from sniper lobbies in MW2, they re