Old Folks Homes (1947)
Location Unknown, Unclear. Old woman walking with stick through room, other old women looking on. Close up shot of an old woman with a sad face. Several exterior shots of the old people s home. Several shots of the old men eating in dining room. Various shots of the old people in a large room some of the old ladies knitting, some talking, playing cards, reading etc. Old woman being helped to chair by a nurse. Two old men sitting on bench looking on. Close up shot of one of the men. Several shots of many quite steep stairways inside the old people s home. Various shots of the old people going down stairs, one woman helped by nurse. Several shots of the exterior of building. More shots of the old people eating and drinking in dining room. More shots of the old people walking along corridors and going to their rooms. Old woman sitting in her room reading book. Old man sitting in his room reading newspaper. More shots of the people eating. More shots of the exterior of the building with old people walking a