back to december, kimberly jason
The first time in a long while that I used a full length song I knew I could make it work, so no The storyline should be pretty Kim is looking back to her past with Jason. Remembering how happy they made each other. Everyone could see it. But when she met Tommy she thought that he could be everything she wanted. She became infatuated with him, so she hurt Jason by pretending they had nothing together. But when the magic wore off, so did her infatuation with Tommy, and all she was left with were her memories of she d realized what he meant to her. Thinking that if she could go back in time, she d change her mind about Tommy. infatuation foolish or allabsorbing passion or an instance of this: a mere infatuation that will not last. I think it explains Tommy, Kim perfectly. Finally: I love this song but I didn t know about it until seeing loveGG s T, K vid. So props to her. :D br, br,