ER101 102 Microtonal Experiment, Modular Mayhem with Colin Benders
Last weekend I was asked to do a full ambient show with no drums, so I got creative with some patch ideas and stumbled upon a feature I had never used let s see how deep we can go with this expect lots of polyphony and wild sequences, things can get crazy Go ahead and have some fun with the Prignalia stems: You can upload version over there if you want to Sole but farfromlonely emperor of a monster 243module rack, genreunbound sound explorer, modular mad scientist to the bone, call him whatever you like its a fact: Dutch wavetumbler Colin Benders defies the conventions of so easily tagslapped electronics as much as his music confronts gravity itself. Untamed and unshackled from todays main line of tepid production behaviourism, striving in an artistic lane truly his own, Benders has completely veered off the grand street s accepted modus operandi to operate his gear