Crafting Tea Towels: Add Vintage Charm with Christmas Kitties and Pups
In today s tutorial, we ve got a charming and quick DIY project that s perfect for the upcoming holiday season. If you re a fan of cute and easy crafts, this is the one for you Youll start with ordinary cotton tea towels and adorn them with darling Christmasthemed vintage Christmas Kitties and Christmas Pups. (Note: The ideal material for this project is 100 cotton that is prewashed. ) The beauty of this project is that you can mix and match different arrangements and trims to create a personalized set of tea towels. Whether you re a cat lover or a dog lover, there s something here for everyone (Our office is, teamdog). These tea towels turn out absolutely adorable and are perfect for gifting to friends and family who love animals. Finishing: Allow your newly stamped fabric to dry, cure for a minimum of 24 hours, then heat set with an iron on high heat before washing. Grab your IOD products and supplies by using the store locator and fi