Pikemen (1958)
London. M, S of soldiers with guns, they run through a gate. M, S of a gun barrel camouflaged in the grass, M, S of the gun firing. M, S of a soldier firing a pistol into the air, the camera pans round to show the road and trees in the background. M, S of a soldier crouched by a river, there is an explosion in it. M, S of a boat full of soldiers on the river. M, S as a soldier sights along his rifle. There are explosions in the water round the boat. M, S of soldiers marching up to the gates of Buckingham Palace, they march through the gate. M, S of a lion on the palace gate, the camera pans down to M, S of a soldier stood outside a sentry box, he steps back. C, U profile of his face, the camera pans down to show a red badge on his sleeve which reads Honourable Artillery Company. M, S of soldiers coming out of a guard house carrying pieces of armour, they are dressed in red military costume from the time of Charles I, a man is strapping on his armour in the foreground. M, S of the soldiers on the grass